To grow spiritually, you have to be connected relationally.

Our Adult Ministry strives to be a place where people have the opportunity to pursue authentic community and spiritual growth. We pursue this goal through two types of gatherings: Bible Study Groups & Wednesday Night Bible Studies.

Bible Study Groups
Sundays at 9am

We are blessed to have Bible Study Groups, or Sunday School classes, for every stage of life. Based on various things such as: age, marital status, and even the age of your children, our groups strive to provide Biblical teaching and instruction within an environment of Biblical community with other believers. All you have to do is show up, join in, and be real.

  • ROOTS {College & Career / 18-24 yrs. old} — Rm. 118/119 [Off Gym]
  • JOY {Ladies} - Rm. 104
  • HARVESTERS {65 & up} - Rm. 105
  • FRONT LINE {Young Couples & Singles / 25 & up} - Rm. 106
  • COOPERATIVE STUDY {Facilitator led} - Rm. 107
  • COMBINED ADULTS - Rm. 109 [Fellowship Hall]
  • GUARDIANS {Parents of Teens} - Rm. 111
Wednesday Night Bible Studies
Wednesdays at 7pm

During the school year, our adults meet in one Large Group Bible Study that has more of a teaching style, rather than preaching, to help people dig deeper into God's Word. Throughout the summer, we offer a variety of Bible Studies to help people grow deeper in their faith. Still built with community and studying God's Word at the forefront, these Studies (separate from Bible Study Groups) give people a chance to interact with others they wouldn't normally get to and study God's Word in a more interactive way.

For more information about Bible Study Groups or Wednesday Night Bible Studies, contact our Church Office