Join us for our first ever Pizza & PJ's Cozy Christmas Party! Yes, you read that correctly...(although not required) feel free to wear your favorite Christmas or just Cozy Pajamas and come for a relaxing time of food, fun & fellowship. The cost is $10, which includes pizza, salad & drinks so please choose what type of pizza you want when you register. We're asking each of you to bring your favorite Christmas Sweet Treat to share. Include a recipe card that we can place in front of your treat at the party so anyone with a food allergy will be well informed and so ladies can easily take a picture of it to maybe make it for their family during the holidays.
This year as our outreach project we will be stuffing stockings for a local nursing home. Your $10 will also help cover the cost of the stockings and their contents. I have it on good authority that a special guest will arrive towards the end of the party to collect the stockings and deliver them on our behalf the following week.
It's going to be a great time! Get registered today and please put your $10 in an offering envelope with your name on it marked Pizza Party and give it directly to Krista at the Information Desk.